Friday 20 July 2012

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Storm first appeared in 1975 in the famous Giant Size X-Men #1 comic, written by Len Wein and penciled by Dave Cock rum. In this comic, Wein uses a battle against the living island Karakora to replace the first-generation X-Men of the 1960s with new X-Men. Storm was an amalgamation of several characters Cock rum intended to use for the Legion of Super-Heroes. In a 1999 interview, Cock rum said that the original black female of the Legion would have been called The Black Cat. According to him, she had Storm's costume, but without the cape, and a catlike haircut with tufts for ears. However, other female cat characters like Tigra had appeared, so Cock rum redesigned his new character, giving her white hair and the cape, creating Storm. When colleagues remarked that Storm’s white hair made her look like a grandmother, and thus, presumably unpopular, he just said: “Trust me.”

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures

Marvel Comic Figures


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